Motive and Mission

Homestead to homestead mentorship.

It’s time to return to the old ways of extending a hand to teach our fellow neighbors, to evangelize a return to the Land and God’s abundant provisions from it.

Each county is uniquely comprised of a wide variety of homesteaders that all have skill sets, a knowledge base and experience to offer one another as we look to learn new and challenging ways to live off the land.

Some are gardeners.

Some are Goat Tenders.

Some raise meat chickens.

Some raise hogs and market vegetables.

Some of us hunt and preserve game.

Some specialize in permaculture and homestead design

And so on…


We are a teaching people !

We proclaim Him, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone perfect in Christ. “ 1 Colossians

People are starved for a right knowledge of God and His creation.

by the grace of God many of us are seasoned in this journey of returning to the land, of self sufficiency, land stewardship, food preservation …. etc. … so it’s time to teach one another with gladness.

“Ultimately, that moves us to a servant’s heart. The servant’s heart in our country resides in homesteaders. In a homesteading movement, we’re eager to share our information.”

Joel Salatin

“It is possible, I think, to say that... a Christian agriculture [is] formed upon the understanding that it is sinful for people to misuse or destroy what they did not make. The Creation is a unique, irreplaceable gift, therefore to be used with humility, respect, and skill.”.

Wendell Berry

Encourage & Support

To encourage is to support - to lift one another up !

We must encourage and support one another all along the way.

A Patient, kind, encouraging word goes further.

Helping with a broken fence, fallen trees or trading and selling goods and services are all essential acts on the local level. We can create parallel economies among one another to ensure what we produce is sold or traded to meet the needs of local households.

Concern and care for our homesteads are by default a concern and care for our family’s well being, our independence and reliance as neighbors. in a world gone mad with rage, strife and divisions we can live out kindness, peace and unity as believers and neighboring Christian homesteaders.

this must be our way forward :

To educate one another.

to encourage one another along the way.

to support one another as we go this very good way.